-Meaning of glassware-
  Glassware is refer to glass items and have different sizes and shapes, each one serving a different function.
  Usually, glassware used to serve water, cocktails, punches, beer, liquor, coffee, and tea.

There are 2 types of glassware:
i. Stemware.
ii. Tumbler.

  That stands on stems above the base.

i. Martini glass
-The base flat and has a cone-shaped bowl.
-It is used to serve cocktails.

ii. Wine glass
-glass shapes is important for particular wine glass.
-it is used to drink and taste wine.

iii. Snifter/brandy glass
-Relatively narrow top and wide bottom.
-Mostly, it is used to serve aged spirits such as brandy and whiskey.

iv. Cordial glass
-Is an elegant glass
-Used for expensive after dinner liqueur

v. Goblet glass
- An all-purpose glass for serving wine, cocktails, specialty drinks, iced tea, or water.

flat bottomed drinking glasses
        i.            highball / tall glass
- used for serving cocktails and interchangeable to Collins glass
      ii.            Water glass
-also used to serve juice
    iii.            Rock glass / low ball
-used them to serve neat drinks such as whiskey
    iv.            Shot glass
-holds one single measure of alcohol is serve to be consumed straight from the glass
      v.            Beer glass / mug
-commonly used to serve beer.

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